Monday, March 21, 2016

Chicken Playtime

The Chicken Group have been working on getting the chickens some grass area. Some of the yr 7's decided that we could use the area behind the swimming pool, known as the dumping ground and thought that we could put it to use. We went and filled up all the gaps with bricks. Finally it was secure.
We went back to the coop and dusted the chickens with mite powder, as we had recently discovered that they had mites. Once they were dusted we moved them into the grass run. With the chickens out of the way we went to work dusting and cleaning the coop. The mite powder was really cool because you could throw it at the walls and it would stay. It was like powder paint. The wind was picking up and the saw dust was flying everywhere. Covering our eyes we managed to clean out all the sawdust. Jess went over it with the finer brush. We dusted it and covered it again with saw dust.
Written by Holly P and Emma

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