Sunday, February 14, 2016

What skills can you identify from this video clip?

How could you apply some of these skills to your learning?

The Story of Austin's butterfly.


  1. I liked this video clip because he keep trying and never gave up

  2. I I learned to never give up and believe that you can make a masterpiece. I admired how Austin didn't get mad at his mates and took on their advice and kept trying. I also admired how Austins friends weren't mean about his art and helped him make a great peice of art. GREAT JOB AUSTIN!!!!!!!!!! AND HIS FRIENDS

  3. I love this video clip because Austin has showed not just myself but everyone who has watched it that you should never give up and it is okay to start all over again. I really admire Austin's masterpiece and I think that he will be a great artist when he's older. Now that I have watched the clip, I have more confidence in what I do everyday and it just shows that everyone makes mistakes in life and if you want to fix them, well then your just going to have to try again. NEVER STOP BELIEVING!

  4. I've watched this video before but it is really inspirational to me. NEVER GIVE UP!!!
    Austin was really good at persistent with his drawing. I feel now that with ALL of my work, I will give it my best shot and if I want to make it better, I WILL make it better!
    Rhianna, :) NEVER GIVE UP!!

  5. Austin is a great drawer at the age of 5! He never gave up.

  6. I like this youtube clip because it shows you theres always room for improvement good on him :)

  7. I like this video clip because he never gave up and all his friends didn't put him down they just gave him advice to push himself further.

  8. I like this video because Austin has showed everyone who watches this video that you should never give up and don't just settle for the easy option. Austin butterfly is amazing, he is a great drawer and he is only 5. I like how Austins friends never were being mean in what they said, and that Austin listened to them even if he thought that what he had done was great.
    The video is saying that everyone makes mistakes, An that it's alright.
    One of my favourite quotes is:
    Everyone makes mistakes, that's why we have eraser![:)]

  9. The thing I liked most about this clip was that everyone encouraged Austin to take his time and try again. Just because he's five doesn't mean that he cant produce amazing work, and it just shows that you do get out what you put in. I think he should be very happy with what he achieved,and we can all learn something from this video clip.

    patience + perseverance = Pretty awesome products

  10. I liked how Austin's friends didn't say that it was bad but how they saw it could be improved and said it in a nice way and told him how.
