Year 7

The 2016 Yr 7's have taken on Project 7.

We have 4 groups.

Our first group is the garden group. Over the last two days there has been a lot of action in our garden plots. We have pulled the potatoes and have a large bucketful. They are going to be transformed into delicious tasting chips. We have also weeded the gardens and fed them with some well mixed compost from our hungry heap. The tomato plants that were growing wild in the garden have also been staked to see if we can have some more success.
The garden group need to make sure that they keep watering the silverbeet and strawberries. They also need to take some strawberry plants from out planterboxes and put them in the tyre that they have mixed with compost and soil. They also need to find out how to grow good strawberries as we didn't get many, if any this year. The seeds that Annabelle has bought in need to be planted as well. If you are working in the garden make sure you check that rows haven't been planted.

The next group is our Lost Property group. All the labelled clothes have been handed back to the owners, the rest of the lost property is going home with the group this week to get washed so that we can sell them at the school concert next weekend.  This group are going to have a stand at the Summer Sounds Concert where they will sell Polar Fleeces, T-Shirts, Shorts, Pants and non uniform clothing at a cheap price.
We have emailed Mr Priddy asking him to put a blurb in the newsletter about the sale and have asked if any families want to donate old school uniforms. Signs have also been made so that we can advertise our sale.
The lost property box in the Korimako cloakroom is now empty but is still the place where we put and find lost property. We encourage everybody to NAME their clothes so that we can return them to their owners.
We think a job for the future is a new lid on the box

Another of our groups is the compost group. Who would have known that composting could be so exciting and rewarding. We were pleased to take the front off, give it a stir and see it oozing with worms and a mixture that just crumbled beautifully. We then loaded it in the wheelbarrow and spread over 2 of our gardens, we're pretty sure things will grow rapidly.
This group also did some pruning to make access to the compost bin a bit simpler. We need to remember to water and mix regularly.
A job for the future is to paint the box and put a new face on it.

Last but not least is our Chicken Group. We were inspired by Toko Schools blog, they had some great ideas about how to take care of their chickens. Although, we hope we never get the opportunity that they did which was to dissect one that passed away.
We have been busy sprucing up the chicken coop. We have put up shade cloth to protect the chickens from the sun and win. Bits of wood are now in interesting places around the coop to provide them with entertainment and some challenge. The silverbeet we hung up was a real success, they devoured it. Lucy's idea to fill up a bottle with a food and put some holes is currently keeping the chickens entertained. Payton and Mrs Hammond have done some investigating and think the area out the back of the pool may a good place to let the chickens roam. We need to spend some quality time with them first so that we know we will be able to catch them if they get loose.

We are always looking for help or resources - please yell out if you have anything to offer.

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