Thursday, August 25, 2016

Cantamaths 2016

On Wednesday night at the Horncastle Arena our year 8 Cantamath team competed in the Canterbury Mathematics Association yearly competition. Our team members were Lachlan a.k.a. fastest runner in the building, Benj, Derrin and Holly. We are all very proud of these guys who scored 70 points which put us at 49th in the competition. There were 97 teams in the competition with the winning team scoring 100 points in 12 minutes. This was a new record. As you can see from the video below it is organised chaos.
Score displayed

Team and supporters and the BANNER!
Support crew cheering our team on

You can just see Loburn in blue and yellow up the front

Markers and score runners getting ready

Sunday, August 14, 2016

Athletic practice already

Hard to believe that on this very Thursday frosty morning we are practicing for athletics. Discus techniques today
Discus techniques
Stand side on - lean back on back leg.
Chin - knee - toe -Duckbeak - 45 degree - let go at 1.00

Monday, August 8, 2016

Term 3 Newsletter

Term 3 Newsletter

The link above is our term 3 newsletter please click on it to see what is happening this term.