Tuesday, March 29, 2016

Tic tac toe

A bit of fun in fitness last week, the game tic tac toe modified from a board game.

Wednesday, March 23, 2016


I found this tonight when I was doing some research for my own course homework and I thought that it is very relevant for us all. We need to keep a positive attitude how we think about ourselves as learners in today's world. Especially when things get hard for us or we don't quite understand what we are meant to be doing.

Is this You? 


What could you do or be if you put your mind to it?

Homework challenge!

See how much maths is in your meal tonight or sometime this week. We might even share recipes.

Tuesday, March 22, 2016


What we know about measurement just from a courgette

Today we started measurement and we brainstormed using the courgette from the garden what did we actually know about measurement. We found out that we know quite a lot about measurement. We then split into expert groups, eg: Mass, Capacity, Length. We went out around the school to take photos and estimate what each example might measure. We will be sharing our examples in Collage.

Monday, March 21, 2016

Chicken Playtime

The Chicken Group have been working on getting the chickens some grass area. Some of the yr 7's decided that we could use the area behind the swimming pool, known as the dumping ground and thought that we could put it to use. We went and filled up all the gaps with bricks. Finally it was secure.
We went back to the coop and dusted the chickens with mite powder, as we had recently discovered that they had mites. Once they were dusted we moved them into the grass run. With the chickens out of the way we went to work dusting and cleaning the coop. The mite powder was really cool because you could throw it at the walls and it would stay. It was like powder paint. The wind was picking up and the saw dust was flying everywhere. Covering our eyes we managed to clean out all the sawdust. Jess went over it with the finer brush. We dusted it and covered it again with saw dust.
Written by Holly P and Emma

Rakahuri Rage Quick Results

Rakahuri Rage Quick Results

Wednesday, March 9, 2016

Juggling with Mandarins - Part 1
Thirteen-year-old Pip wishes his father wasn't so obsessed about always having to win.

Juggling with Mandarins - Part 2
Pip's favourite teacher suggests the class all learn to juggle. His success-driven father is concerned 18-month-old Madeline hasn't started to walk yet.

Juggling with Mandarins - Part 3
Pip finds his way into the new Igloo Sports stadium, discovers the climbing room and feels compelled to climb.

Tuesday, March 8, 2016

#NZReadaloud Monday and Tuesday

 Miss Hanna reading 'Three car family' chapter the rest of us are listening and jotting down key words/phrases, drawings about this chapter.

 Mrs Sutherland mind mapping on the board while Miss Hanna reads

We checked out what we though Croup meant and we were right knowing that it was a type of cough. Some thought that maybe Dad might have it and also that it might stop Pip or Nick going to the opening of the stadium.

Pip is trying to teach Madeline to walk and he is trying to teach himself how to juggle.

Some of our wordles for the first week's activity

Tuesday, March 1, 2016


We have started this week participating in #NZReadaloud 

This is a collaborative reading programme set up by Kerri Thompson a North Island teacher.

The Purpose is to:

  • encourage and foster connected learners
  • give kiwi students the opportunity to connect, share and discuss learning by flattening the walls of our classrooms
  • develop a love of books and reading among all children

We will be sharing our reading responses on Edmodo with other students from schools throughout New Zealand.